Project progress: October 2023

We are now embarking upon the final year of the project to build a state-of-the-art rehabilitation unit at the Western Community Hospital, with lots going on both on the construction site and around the wider hospital site, too.

Progress at the new building

With the main structure complete, focus has moved onto internal and external fit out. Brick laying around the outside of the ground and first floors has almost finished and people passing by will now be able to see the insulating panels on the upper floors, with gaps in between for windows to be installed later.

A view inside a floor of the building, including some metal frames that show the layout of the new rooms and wards.Inside, we can begin to see the lay out of the floor plan as partitions are put in place to mark out where the wards and rooms will be in months to come.

We are now at a stage in the project where we will be able to bring small groups onto the site, allowing people to see the building as it develops. This is particularly important for staff who will be working here in the future and for people involved in the management of rehabilitation patients.

Making Solent more sustainable

Every window at the Western Community Hospital has been replaced in recent months, providing more energy efficient windows fitted with film to ensure privacy, as those inside can see out but people outside the building cannot see in. The main entrance doors are the windows in the catering kitchen are also due to be replaced soon.

An image showing the solar panels that have been installed on part of the Western Community Hospital roofAnother sustainability project managed by Brymor is the installation of solar PV panels across the site. With panels at Broadcast House already in place and more in progress at the Horizon building and on the main hospital building, by the end of October they will all be live and we’ll be able to generate our own electricity.

With lots more planned in the coming weeks there’s plenty for us to tell you about as the project progresses, so keep checking back for our monthly updates!

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