A view from our teams: Julie Mould – health care assistant

As the opening day for our new wards approaches, we’ve been speaking to some of the staff who will be working in the new building to see what they’re looking forward to.

Julie Mould is a health care assistant working on Fanshawe ward at the Royal South Hants (RSH) hospital.

How will the new building affect what you do?

“I think the new environment will have a big impact on patient experience because a lot of thought has gone into things like the layout; the beds will face the window which will be nicer for the patients to see the outside and the windows are bigger and will come almost to the floor, which is better because if the patient is sitting or wheelchair bound they can still see outside.

“It seems a lot lighter and cooler on visiting the ward, we struggle with varying temperatures throughout the year and it can be uncomfortable patients and staff when it’s too hot in the summer. The courtyard will be good for patients, staff and visitors to sit outside – at present the RSH has a small area by the main doors which looks onto the carpark but it’s not close to Fanshawe ward so not easy to bring patients to.

“Having the therapy staff with us on the ward and the gym so close by will really benefit the patients – at the moment, the gym is on the other side of the hospital and takes a lot of time getting there and back. Time which could be spent with the patients rather than walking around the building, so that will be a positive change.”

What are you most looking forward to when the new building opens? 

“I think all of the effort that has gone into the new wards will really improve the patient’s experience and I’m really looking forward to moving there.”

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